Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guadalupe Mountian National Park

July, 21

After spanning the entire state of Texas, which is alot harder then it sounds, we reached the Guadalupe Mountians! This has to be the most beautiful camping area we've reached so far on this epic journey. The campsites were pretty packed with hikers and rock climbers hoping to ascend one of the most beautiful mountians in N. America, El Capitian. The night was nothing but relaxing, apart from the bugs that were insitant on creating a home in Lauren and my ears. But we got some great pictures and enjoyed our surroundings. Next we move on to Zion NP. Untill then ciao..


Judith Klinger said...

So, did sleeping near El Capitan awaken your old rock climber lust? It looks absolutely gorgeous!

Curtis Albucher said...

yep...the place was spectacular..it even awakened laurens lust to start climbing..everyone must visit this park!